ACS is the abbreviations of Acute confusional state which is also known as Delirium. ACS refers to a sudden change in a person's mental status that leads to confusion and unusual beha vior.

Symptoms of ACS usually develop over the course of several hours to a few days and may fluctuate and generally include:
1. Confusion and disorientation, including hallucinations, delusions, or illusions.
2. Disorganized thinking.
3. Short attention span.
4. Problems with the sleep-wake cycle.
5. Periods of hyperactivity alternating with extreme sleepiness.

Acute confusional state (ACS) may be caused by withdrawal from alcohol or drugs or medications, the development or worsening of an infection or other health problem can also lead to ACS, such as those suffering from Dementia from Alzheimer's disease which are more prone to ACS.

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