Alzheimer's disease refers to a progressive, irreversible disease characterized by degeneration of the brain cells and commonly leading to severe dementia.

It is degenerative brain disorder characterized by memory loss followed by increasing disorientation and culminating in total physical and mental helplessness and death. One of the major sites of the destruction is a pathway of acetylcholine-releasing cells leading from the base of the forebrain to the cortex and hippocampus.

Other definition:

Alzheimer's disease refers to a form of dementia in which cognitive impairment appears gradually and deterioration is progressive.

A definite diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease requires the observation of two specific types of brain lesions neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques.

Other definition:
Alzheimer's disease refers to the disease of the Cerebral Cortex that causes an Atypical form of senile Dementia which is discovered in 1906 by German psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer.

Other definition:

Alzheimer's disease, or AD, is a progressive, incurable disease of the brain caused by the degeneration and eventual death of neurons (nerve cells) in several areas of the brain.

Patients with AD first lose such mental functions as short-term memory and the ability to learn new things. In the later stages of AD they gradually lose control over their sense of orientation, their emotions, and other aspects of behavior. End-stage AD is characterized by loss of control of body functions, an increased likelihood of seizures, loss of the ability to eat or swallow, and eventual death from infection or malnutrition.

Other /More definition:
Alzheimer's disease is a condition characterized by memory loss, confusion, depression, restlessness, hallucinations, delusions, sleeplessness, and loss of appetite.

Other /More definition:
Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of chronic organic brain syndrome, involving gradual brain failure over a period of 7 to 10 years.

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