Analogy means understanding one concept in terms of another.

In psychology, an analogy is a comparison between two things that are similar in some way, in which one thing is used to explain or understand the other. Analogies can be used to help people understand complex or abstract concepts by linking them to something more familiar or easier to understand.

For example, an analogy might be used to explain the concept of memory by comparing it to a filing cabinet, with each memory being like a file that is stored in a specific location within the cabinet. This analogy helps people understand the concept of memory by linking it to something that is familiar and easy to understand, such as a filing cabinet.

Another example might involve using an analogy to explain the concept of emotion by comparing it to a wave, with emotions rising and falling like a wave. This analogy helps people understand the concept of emotion by linking it to something that is familiar and easy to understand, such as a wave.

Overall, analogies are comparisons between two things that are used to help people understand complex or abstract concepts by linking them to something more familiar or easier to understand.