Deutsch: Fassung / Español: Compostura / Português: Compostura / Français: Sang-froid / Italiano: Autocontrollo

Composure in the psychology context refers to an individual's ability to maintain emotional stability and calmness under stress, pressure, or challenging situations. It involves managing one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in a way that reflects resilience, self-control, and a balanced state of mind. Composure is often seen as a sign of emotional intelligence and maturity, enabling individuals to respond to difficulties with thoughtfulness and clarity rather than reacting impulsively.


Composure is considered a psychological strength that contributes to overall well-being and effectiveness in personal and professional settings. Individuals with high levels of composure are able to navigate stressful situations without becoming overwhelmed by negative emotions. This ability is closely related to concepts such as emotional regulation, stress resilience, and mindfulness, which involve conscious efforts to stay calm and collected.

Developing composure is seen as a dynamic process that involves awareness of one's emotional triggers and responses, as well as the practice of strategies to maintain or regain a state of emotional equilibrium. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and cognitive reframing are often used to enhance composure.

Application Areas

Composure is valuable across a wide range of contexts, including:

  • Personal Relationships: Maintaining composure can lead to healthier interactions and conflict resolution.
  • Workplace Settings: Composure under pressure is highly valued in professional environments, especially in leadership and high-stakes situations.
  • Crisis Situations: The ability to remain composed is critical for making clear, rational decisions during emergencies.
  • Sports and Performance: Athletes and performers benefit from composure to maintain focus and performance under competitive pressure.

Well-Known Examples

The concept of composure is emphasized in various psychological approaches and practices, including:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT techniques help individuals recognize and modify thought patterns that affect their emotional state and composure.
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): This approach teaches mindfulness practices that enhance emotional regulation and composure.

Treatment and Risks

While composure is generally seen as a positive trait, overemphasis on maintaining composure can sometimes lead to the suppression of emotions, which might not be healthy in the long term. Emotional suppression can result in increased stress, anxiety, and even physical health issues. Therefore, it's important to balance the ability to remain composed with the ability to express emotions in a healthy and appropriate manner.

Similar Terms or Synonyms

  • Emotional Stability
  • Poise
  • Self-Control


In psychology, composure refers to the ability to maintain emotional stability and calmness in the face of stress or adversity. It is a sign of emotional intelligence that enables individuals to handle challenging situations with grace and effectiveness. While composure is a valuable trait in many aspects of life, it is equally important to recognize and express emotions in a healthy way, avoiding the pitfalls of emotional suppression.

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