Detriangulation refers to the process of withdrawing from a family member or therapist, so as not to be drawn into alliances of one person against another.

In general detriangulation refers to the process of shifting one's perspective or understanding of a situation from a narrow or limited view to a more inclusive or objective view. It involves recognizing and challenging one's own biases, assumptions, and cultural lenses in order to better understand and empathize with others.

In psychology, detriangulation is often used in the context of cross-cultural communication and understanding. It can involve actively seeking out diverse perspectives and experiences, and acknowledging the impact of cultural differences on how people think, feel, and communicate. Detriangulation can also involve actively challenging one's own cultural biases and trying to see situations from the perspective of others.

Detriangulation can be a difficult process, as it requires acknowledging and questioning one's own beliefs and assumptions. However, it is an important step in building empathy and understanding, and can help to reduce misunderstandings and conflicts in cross-cultural interactions.

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