In the psychology context, an explicit attitude refers to the attitudes and beliefs that individuals are consciously aware of and can report or express directly. These attitudes are deliberative, can be verbally communicated, and are often based on personal experience and knowledge. Explicit attitudes are subject to self-monitoring and social desirability, meaning that individuals might sometimes alter the expression of these attitudes to align with social norms or expectations.

Key Aspects of Explicit Attitudes:

  • Conscious Awareness: Individuals are aware of their explicit attitudes and can readily describe them when asked.
  • Deliberate Expression: The expression of explicit attitudes is usually the result of deliberate thought and can be controlled or modified by the individual.
  • Measureability: Explicit attitudes can be measured through direct methods such as surveys or interviews, where individuals self-report their feelings, beliefs, and intentions towards objects, people, groups, or concepts.
  • Influence on Behavior: While explicit attitudes can guide behavior, the relationship is not always straightforward due to the impact of social norms and the potential conflict with implicit attitudes.

Application Areas:

  • Social Psychology Research: Investigating how explicit attitudes towards various social groups or issues are formed, how they change, and how they influence behavior.
  • Marketing and Consumer Behavior: Understanding consumers' explicit attitudes towards products or brands to guide marketing strategies and product development.
  • Public Opinion and Policy: Assessing public attitudes towards policy issues, social changes, or political candidates to inform campaign strategies and policy-making.

Well-Known Examples:

  • Attitudes Towards Social Issues: Explicit attitudes towards topics such as climate change, immigration, or same-sex marriage, which individuals can express in surveys or public discussions.
  • Brand Preferences: Consumers' stated preferences for certain brands over others based on quality, value, or brand image.

Challenges and Risks:

  • Social Desirability Bias: The tendency to report attitudes that are deemed acceptable or favorable by societal standards, which can obscure true attitudes.
  • Discrepancy with Implicit Attitudes: Explicit attitudes may not always align with implicit attitudes (unconscious beliefs and biases), leading to inconsistencies in attitude-behavior relationships.


Explicit attitudes are the conscious, deliberative beliefs and evaluations that individuals can articulate about people, objects, and concepts. They play a significant role in guiding conscious decisions and behaviors, though their expression and impact can be influenced by social norms and internal biases. Understanding explicit attitudes is crucial for research in social psychology, marketing, and other fields concerned with human beliefs and behaviors.


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