Deutsch: Identifizierung von Stellenanforderungen / Español: Identificación de requisitos laborales / Português: Identificação de requisitos de trabalho / Français: Identification des exigences du poste / Italiano: Identificazione dei requisiti lavorativi

Identifying job requirements in the psychology context refers to the process of determining the specific skills, knowledge, abilities, and personal characteristics necessary to perform a job effectively. This process is crucial for various aspects of organizational psychology, including recruitment, selection, training, and performance management. By clearly understanding and defining job requirements, organizations can improve job-person fit, enhance employee satisfaction and performance, and reduce turnover.


Identifying job requirements involves conducting a job analysis, which is a systematic examination of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a job, as well as the necessary competencies for performing those tasks successfully. This process might include analyzing the work environment, tools and equipment used, and interactions with other roles within the organization. Psychological principles are applied to understand not just the technical aspects of a job, but also the interpersonal skills, cognitive abilities, and emotional intelligence required.

Application Areas

The psychology of identifying job requirements has applications in several key areas, including:

  • Human Resources Management: Developing accurate job descriptions, job specifications, and person specifications to guide recruitment and selection processes.
  • Organizational Development: Aligning job roles with organizational goals and culture, and designing jobs that promote employee engagement and well-being.
  • Training and Development: Identifying skill gaps and designing targeted training programs to meet the current and future needs of the organization.
  • Performance Appraisal: Establishing clear performance criteria based on job requirements to assess employee performance objectively.

Well-Known Examples

Practical examples of identifying job requirements include:

  • Competency Models: Developing frameworks that outline the specific competencies required for different roles within an organization.
  • Behavioral Job Interviews: Designing interview questions that ask candidates to describe past behavior in situations relevant to the job’s requirements.
  • Psychometric Assessments: Using psychological tests to assess candidates' abilities, personality traits, and fit for specific job requirements.

Treatment and Risks

Accurately identifying job requirements is essential for effective human resource practices. Misidentifying or overlooking key job requirements can lead to poor job-person fit, resulting in lower job satisfaction, reduced productivity, and increased turnover. It's crucial for the job analysis process to be thorough and to consider a wide range of competencies, including soft skills and emotional intelligence, which are increasingly recognized as important for job success.

Similar Terms or Synonyms

Related terms include job analysis, competency modeling, and skills assessment. While these terms are related and often used in the process of identifying job requirements, each focuses on different aspects of understanding and defining what is necessary for job success.


Identifying job requirements is a foundational aspect of organizational psychology that involves determining the essential skills, knowledge, and personal attributes needed for job success. Through job analysis and the application of psychological principles, organizations can enhance recruitment, selection, training, and performance management processes, ultimately improving organizational effectiveness and employee well-being.
