Deutsch: Rekrutierung / Español: reclutamiento / Português: recrutamento / Français: recrutement / Italiano: reclutamento

In the context of psychology, recruitment typically refers to the process of attracting, selecting, and appointing suitable candidates for jobs within an organization, but it also involves understanding and applying psychological principles to optimize these processes.


Recruitment in psychology extends beyond mere hiring to include the assessment of individual characteristics that match the organizational culture and job requirements. It involves evaluating candidates not only for their skills and competencies but also for their potential for growth, adaptability, and how they might contribute to team dynamics. Psychological methods, such as psychometric testing and structured interviews, are employed to predict job performance and ensure that the recruitment process is effective and fair.

Application Areas

Recruitment processes that incorporate psychological principles are applied in several areas:

  • Organizational psychology: Focuses on optimizing hiring processes to enhance workplace productivity and employee satisfaction.
  • Human resources management: Uses psychological assessments to select candidates who are not only skilled but also a good fit for the company's culture.
  • Career counseling: Helps individuals understand their strengths and how they align with different career paths.

Well-Known Examples

An example of psychological methods in recruitment includes the use of personality assessments, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or the Big Five personality traits, to evaluate how well candidates might integrate into a team or adapt to the corporate culture.

Treatment and Risks

In the recruitment process, the application of psychology must be handled with care to avoid potential biases or ethical issues:

  • Bias in selection processes: Psychological tests need to be carefully chosen and administered to avoid biases based on gender, age, ethnicity, or other non-relevant factors.
  • Privacy concerns: Handling of psychological data must comply with privacy laws and ethical standards to protect candidates' information.

Symptoms, Therapy, and Healing

In the context of recruitment, the symptoms and therapy concepts do not directly apply as they would in clinical settings. However, feedback and development post-recruitment can be considered as part of a broader 'healing' or improvement process for both the organization and the individuals:

  • Employee development: Feedback from the recruitment process can guide ongoing training and development efforts.
  • Organizational improvement: Analyzing the outcomes of recruitment strategies can lead to improved processes and better alignment with organizational goals.


In psychology, recruitment involves not just the process of hiring but also the application of psychological principles to ensure that the right candidates are selected in a manner that is both effective and ethical. This includes the use of psychometric testing and structured interviews to assess the suitability of candidates for specific roles within an organization.
