Deutsch: Nächtlich / Español: nocturno / Português: noturno / Français: nocturne / Italiano: notturno

In the context of psychology, nocturnal refers to behaviors or phenomena that occur during the night. This can include various aspects of human activity, sleep patterns, and psychological conditions that are specifically related to or more active during nighttime hours.


Nocturnal behaviors in psychology are often associated with sleep disorders and the natural circadian rhythms that regulate sleep-wake cycles. Understanding nocturnal behaviors is crucial for diagnosing and treating sleep-related issues and for studying how the human body and mind function differently at night compared to daytime.

Application Areas

Nocturnal phenomena are relevant in several psychological and medical contexts:

  • Sleep psychology: Studies patterns like insomnia, nocturnal awakenings, and parasomnias such as night terrors and sleepwalking.
  • Chronobiology: Investigates how circadian rhythms influence psychological functions and overall health.
  • Clinical psychology: Addresses conditions that may manifest or worsen during the night, such as nocturnal panic attacks and certain forms of depression and anxiety that exhibit diurnal variations.

Well-Known Examples

Examples of nocturnal issues in psychology include:

  • Nocturnal panic attacks: These are panic attacks that occur unexpectedly during sleep, causing the sufferer to wake up in a state of panic. They are of particular interest in clinical psychology due to their impact on sleep quality and overall mental health.
  • Nightmares and night terrors: While nightmares are distressing dreams that can disrupt sleep, night terrors are episodes of intense fear that occur during deep sleep, often causing individuals to react with loud screams or movements, with little to no recall of the event upon waking.

Treatment and Risks

Understanding nocturnal behaviors can help in the management and treatment of related conditions:

  • Treatment for sleep disorders: Includes cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), medication, and lifestyle modifications to improve sleep hygiene.
  • Risks of untreated nocturnal disorders: Poorly managed nocturnal behaviors can lead to chronic sleep deprivation, affecting cognitive function, mood, and physical health.

Symptoms, Therapy, and Healing

  • Symptoms of nocturnal disorders: Can range from difficulty sleeping and nighttime awakenings to physical activities during sleep, such as sleepwalking.
  • Therapy techniques: Depending on the disorder, treatments might include pharmacological interventions, psychotherapy, and relaxation techniques aimed at normalizing sleep patterns.
  • Healing process: Often involves both medical and psychological treatments to address the underlying causes of nocturnal disturbances, promoting better sleep habits and alleviating night-time anxiety or activity.

Articles with 'Nocturnal' in the title

  • Nocturnal myoclonus: Nocturnal myoclonus refers to a periodic limb movements in sleep. Also, Nocturnal myoclonus is a restless leg syndrome twitching of muscles that occurs during non-rapid eye movement s leep
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence test: Nocturnal penile tumescence test (NPT test)refers to a study performed to evaluate erections during sleep that helps clarify the causes of erectile dysfunction


In psychology, nocturnal refers to aspects of behavior and psychological conditions that are prominent or exclusively occur during nighttime. This includes various sleep disorders and behaviors that disrupt normal sleep patterns, necessitating a range of therapeutic approaches to manage these issues effectively.
