Procedure refers to a sub-section of the method section of a technical paper that explains what happened to the participants/subjects and contains enough information that someone else could replicate the study; the sub-section of a scientific paper that specifies exactly what happened to each participant during the experiment Procedure describes the step-by- step process used to complete the study.


In psychology, a procedure refers to a standardized method of conducting research or clinical interventions. It involves a series of steps that are carefully designed to ensure reliability and validity in data collection or treatment implementation. Procedures are established to follow ethical guidelines and ensure the well-being of participants or clients. Researchers and practitioners use procedures to replicate studies or interventions to test hypotheses and determine effectiveness. The procedure typically includes detailed instructions on how to carry out the study or treatment, including the specific activities, equipment, and materials required. It is an essential component of psychological research and practice, providing a systematic framework for data collection and analysis.

Application Areas

  • Clinical psychology
  • Experimental psychology
  • Counseling psychology
  • Forensic psychology
  • School psychology

Treatment and Risks

  • Therapeutic procedures: such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or exposure therapy
  • Risks: potential ethical concerns, discomfort for participants, or adverse effects from treatments


  • Conducting a structured interview to assess symptoms of a mental health disorder
  • Administering a standardized psychological test to measure intelligence or personality traits
  • Implementing a behavior modification program to address maladaptive behaviors

Similar Concepts and Synonyms

  • Methodology
  • Protocol
  • Technique
  • Approach

Articles with 'Procedure' in the title

  • Conjugate reinforcement procedures: Conjugate reinforcement procedures: Conjugate reinforcement procedures refer to conditioning procedures used in memory research with infants, in which children's behaviors control aspects of a visual display
  • Double-blind procedure: Double-blind procedure refers to a procedure for circumventing the effects of experimenter or participant expectations. In a double-blind study, neither the participant nor the experimenter knows what treatment the participant is receiving . . .
  • Neurodiagnostic procedures: Neurodiagnostic procedures are procedures, such as, spinal taps, CAT scans, and functional MRIs for detecting the presence and location of brain damage
  • Response-cost procedures: Response-cost procedures refers to a technique for managing a subject"s Behavior that involves the loss of reinforcers such as privileges, activities, points, or tokens in response t o inappropriate behavior
  • Stop-Start Procedure: Stop-Start Procedure refers to a method of treatment for premature ejaculation in which the man or his partner stimulates him to sexual excitement, and, as he approaches the point of orgasmic inevitability, stimulation is stopped
  • The Dutch Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act: The Dutch Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act : The Dutch Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act is the legislation that went into effect in November 2001 in . . .



A procedure in psychology refers to a systematic method used in research or clinical interventions to ensure consistency and accuracy. It involves following predefined steps to collect data or deliver treatments effectively. Procedures are essential for maintaining ethical standards and increasing the validity of results.


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