Deutsch: Anpassung / Español: Reajuste / Português: Reajustamento / Français: Réajustement / Italiano: Riassestamento

Readjustment in the psychology context refers to the process of adapting or coping with new situations, environments, or changes in one’s life. This concept is widely explored within various branches of psychology, including developmental, clinical, and health psychology, highlighting the importance of flexibility and resilience in human behavior. Readjustment involves both psychological and behavioral changes that individuals make in response to life transitions, stressors, or traumatic events, aiming to restore balance and well-being.


Readjustment encompasses a range of strategies and processes that individuals employ to deal with changes that disrupt their usual state of equilibrium. These changes can be as varied as moving to a new city, starting a new job, dealing with the loss of a loved one, or adjusting to a chronic illness. The process of readjustment requires psychological resilience and adaptability, as individuals need to reassess their expectations, modify their goals, and develop new coping mechanisms to deal with their altered circumstances.

Application Areas

Readjustment is a key concept in several psychological applications:

  • Stress and Coping Research: Investigating how individuals adapt to stressors and what strategies facilitate effective readjustment.
  • Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy: Assisting clients in adjusting to life changes, overcoming trauma, and dealing with anxiety and depression that may arise from these adjustments.
  • Occupational Psychology: Exploring how employees readjust to changes in the workplace, including role changes, organizational restructuring, or cultural changes.

Well-Known Examples

The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale is a classic example related to the study of readjustment. This scale lists various life events and assigns them a numerical score reflecting the amount of readjustment stress they typically provoke. The scale illustrates how events requiring significant readjustment, such as divorce or job loss, are associated with higher stress levels and potentially impact health.

Treatment and Risks

Effective readjustment strategies are crucial for maintaining psychological well-being in the face of change. Inadequate adjustment can lead to various psychological issues, including stress, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Psychological interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), and counseling, can support individuals through the readjustment process, helping them develop resilience and adaptive coping mechanisms.

Similar Terms or Synonyms

  • Adaptation
  • Coping
  • Adjustment


Readjustment in psychology refers to the process of adapting to new situations, environments, or life changes. It involves psychological resilience, adaptability, and the development of new coping strategies to maintain or restore well-being. Understanding and facilitating effective readjustment processes are crucial in various psychological disciplines to support individuals in navigating life transitions and stressors successfully.


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