Deutsch: Geteilte Umgebung / Español: Entorno compartido / Português: Ambiente compartilhado / Français: Environnement partagé / Italiano: Ambiente condiviso /

Shared environment is a Subtype of environmental influences that refers to the environmental factors that produce similarities in developmental outcomes among siblings living in the

same household. If siblings are more similar than expected from only their shared genetics, this implies an effect of the environment both siblings share, such as being exposed to marital conflict or poverty, or being parented in a similar manner.

Other /More definition:
Shared environment is an environment shared by different family members. Shared environment is a subtype of environmental influences that refers to the environmental factors that produce similarities in developmental outcomes among siblings living in the same household. If siblings are more similar than expected from only their shared genetics, this implies an effect of the environment both siblings share, such as being exposed to marital conflict or poverty, or being parented in a similar manner.

Moreover, Shared environment refer to environmental influences that are common to the children within a given family.