Deutsch: Definition / Español: Definición / Português: Definição / Français: Dêfinition / Italiano: Definizione

Definition means all the details about an event. In psychology, a definition is a statement that explains the meaning of a term or concept. Definitions are often used to clarify the meaning of technical or specialized terms, or to provide a standard understanding of a concept that is used in research or theory.

Definitions in psychology can be operational, which means that they describe how a concept will be measured or operationalized in research. Operational definitions allow researchers to be precise and consistent in their use of a concept and help to ensure that their research findings are replicable.

Definitions can also be conceptual, which means that they provide a more general or abstract understanding of a concept. Conceptual definitions are often used to provide a broad overview of a concept and may be less precise than operational definitions.

In either case, definitions are an important tool in psychology and are used to help researchers and practitioners communicate clearly and accurately about their work.

For example, in the context of abnormal psychology, the definition of "anxiety disorder" might be described as a condition characterized by excessive, unrealistic worry or fear about everyday situations. Another example, in the field of developmental psychology, the definition of "attachment" would be a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another across time and space.