Deutsch: Signal / Español: Señal / Português: Sinal / Français: Signal / Italiano: Segnale

In psychology, a signal refers to any stimulus that conveys information to an individual. It plays a crucial role in cognitive processes such as perception, attention, and interpretation. Signals can be visual, auditory, tactile, or any other form that can be perceived and processed by the senses.


In the context of psychology, signals are fundamental to understanding how humans and other animals perceive and interact with their environments. These cues can be naturally occurring or artificially created and are used to communicate information between individuals or from the environment to an individual. For example, facial expressions can signal emotions, while alarms can signal danger.

Psychological studies on signaling focus on how these cues are detected, processed, and responded to by the brain. The efficiency of this process can significantly influence behavior, decision-making, and interactions. Cognitive psychology, in particular, investigates how signals affect attention and perception, studying phenomena such as the cocktail party effect, where a person can focus on a single conversation in a noisy room.

Application Areas

Signals are integral to several branches of psychology, including:

  • Social psychology: Examines how people communicate and interpret signals in interpersonal and group settings, such as body language and social cues.
  • Cognitive psychology: Focuses on how signals are processed by the brain, influencing perception and cognitive biases.
  • Behavioral psychology: Studies how signals can be used in conditioning to elicit specific responses from individuals.

Well-Known Examples

Prominent studies involving signals in psychology include:

  • Pavlov’s experiments: These classical conditioning experiments showed how a neutral signal (bell) could, through association, come to elicit a response (salivation in dogs) that is normally elicited by another, biologically potent stimulus (food).
  • The Stroop effect: An experiment where the name of a color (e.g., "blue," "green," or "red") is printed in a color not denoted by the name. The test demonstrates how automatic processing of certain signals (reading text) can interfere with the task of color recognition.

Treatment and Risks

In therapeutic settings, understanding the role of signals is essential for diagnosing and treating cognitive and behavioral disorders. Misinterpretation or hypersensitivity to signals can lead to psychological issues such as paranoia or social anxiety disorders. Treatment might involve techniques to better identify, interpret, and respond to signals, helping individuals to manage how they perceive and react to their environment.

Similar Terms

Terms related to signal in psychology include:

  • Cue: Often used interchangeably with signal, though cues typically imply a signal that leads to a behavioral response.
  • Stimulus: A broader term that encompasses any event or object that elicits a sensory and/or behavioral response.


Articles with 'Signal' in the title

  • Corollary discharge signal: Corollary discharge signal refers to a copy of the signal sent from the motor area of the brain to the eye muscles. The Corollary discharge signal is sent to the hypothetical comparator of corollary discharge theory
  • Image Displacement Signal (IDS): Image Displacement Signal (IDS) : Image Displacement Signal (IDS) is a term in Corollary discharge theory which refers to the signal that occurs when an image stimulates the receptors by moving across them


In psychology, a signal is any form of stimulus that conveys information and requires cognitive processing. Understanding how signals are interpreted and the role they play in human cognition is crucial across various areas of psychological research and application, influencing everything from daily communication to complex social interactions.
