Deutsch: Vernunft / Español: Razonamiento / Português: Raciocínio / Français: Raisonnement / Italiano: Ragionamento

Reasoning in the context of psychology refers to the cognitive process that involves the organization of information or knowledge to reach conclusions, solve problems, and make decisions. This mental process is foundational to human thought, enabling individuals to analyze information, deduce implications, and apply knowledge to new situations.

Reasonig is the process of drawing conclusions from principles and from evidence Cognitive process(es) used in transforming given information, called premises, into conclusions. Reasoning is often seen as a special kind of thinking. A particular type of problem solving that involves making inferences.


In psychology, reasoning is studied as a part of higher cognitive functions that guide complex thought processes. It can be broadly categorized into two main types: deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning involves deriving specific conclusions from general information or premises, while inductive reasoning involves drawing generalized conclusions from specific instances. Each type of reasoning has distinct characteristics and applications, and they are used differently depending on the situation at hand.

Application Areas

Reasoning is crucial across various domains:

  • Educational Psychology: It is integral in learning environments to develop and assess students' abilities to apply logic to academic challenges.
  • Clinical Psychology: Understanding reasoning processes can help in diagnosing and treating cognitive impairments and decision-making deficits.
  • Organizational Psychology: In work settings, reasoning is key to problem-solving and decision-making processes that affect productivity and innovation.

Well-Known Examples

In psychological studies, classic tests such as the Wason task or syllogistic problems are used to assess reasoning abilities. These tests challenge individuals to apply logical rules to reach conclusions and are used to study how reasoning can be influenced by biases or cognitive capacities.

Treatment and Risks

Faulty reasoning can be seen in various cognitive disorders and mental health issues, where individuals may struggle to make logical conclusions or connect thoughts coherently. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) often addresses these issues by helping individuals develop better reasoning skills, which are crucial for everyday decision making and problem-solving.

Similar Terms

In psychology, similar terms related to reasoning include 'problem-solving', 'critical thinking', and 'cognitive processing'. Each relates to how we understand, manipulate, or apply information in cognitive tasks.

Articles with 'Reasoning' in the title

  • Abstract Reasoning: In the psychology context, abstract reasoning refers to the cognitive process involved in understanding complex concepts, solving problems, and making inferences that do not rely directly on physical or concrete experiences but instead use . . .
  • Analogical reasoning: Analogical reasoning means drawing inductive inferences that specify a fourth (D) term that projects a relationship found between the first two (A and B) terms into the third (C) term of the analogy, in problems of the form A is to B and C . . .
  • Conditional reasoning: Conditional reasoning that which occurs when the reasoner must draw a conclusion based on an if-then proposition, example: is if she behaves that was, then maybe she has a problem
  • Conditional reasoning tests: Conditional reasoning tests: Conditional reasoning tests refer to tests developed to reduce inaccurate responses and get a more accurate picture of a person’s tendency to engage in aggressive or counterproductive behavior
  • Deductive reasoning: Deductive reasoning refers to the process of reasoning from one or more general statements regarding what is known to reach a logically certain conclusion- drawing conclusions from facts or from only the given premises- reasoning from a kno . . .
  • Emotional Reasoning: Emotional Reasoning refers to the belief of something- because it "feels" true, ignoring contradictory evidence. Example: "I just know that we lost our basketball game and it was all my fault, and no one among my team can convince me otherw . . .
  • Prosocial moral reasoning: Prosocial moral reasoning refers to the thinking that people display when deciding whether to help, share with, or comfort others when these actions could prove costly to themselves
  • Transductive reasoning: Transductive reasoning refers to the errors in understanding cause-and-effect relationships that are commonly made by preoperational children. Other /More definition: Transductive reasoning is reasoning from one particular fact or case to a . . .


Reasoning in psychology is a fundamental cognitive process that involves forming conclusions, solving problems, and making decisions based on available information. It's a key area of study in cognitive psychology, highlighting how individuals interpret and think about the world around them.
