Deutsch: Babybiografie / Español: Biografía del bebé / Português: Biografia do bebê / Français: Biographie du bébé / Italiano: Biografia del bambino /

Baby biography refers to a detailed record of an infant’s growth and development over a period of time

A baby biography, also known as a life story book or an infant book, is a book that documents the early life and development of a child. It typically includes information about the child's birth, family, milestones, and other significant events and experiences.

In the psychology context, a baby biography can be used as a tool to promote attachment and bonding between a child and their primary caregiver, typically the parent or guardian. It can also be used as a way for the child to learn about their own identity and history, and to develop a sense of self.

A baby biography can be created and compiled by the child's parents or caregivers, or it can be created in collaboration with a mental health professional, such as a therapist or counselor. It can be a useful resource for parents and caregivers to refer to as they raise and nurture the child, and it can also be a valuable tool for helping the child process and make sense of their early experiences as they grow and develop.