Deutsch: Kind / Español: Niño / Português: Criança / Français: Enfant / Italiano: Bambino

Child refers to a person undergoing the period of development from infancy through puberty.

Other /More definition:

Biologically, a child (plural: children) is generally a human between the stages of birth and puberty. The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority.

Child may also describe a relationship with a parent (such as sons and daughters of any age) or, metaphorically, an authority figure, or signify group membership in a clan, tribe, or religion; it can also signify being strongly affected by a specific time, place, or circumstance, as in "a child of nature" or "a child of the Sixties".
There are many social issues that affect children, such as childhood education, bullying, child poverty, dysfunctional families and in developing countries, hunger. Children can be raised by parents, in a foster care or similar supervised arrangement, guardians or partially raised in a day care center.

In psychology, a child refers to a person who is in the early stages of development, typically up to the age of about 12 or 13. Child psychology is the branch of psychology that studies the cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioral development of children, as well as the factors that influence this development.

Child psychologists use a range of research methods, including observation, experimentation, and surveys, to study the development of children and to understand the factors that influence their development. They may also work with children and their families to assess and treat developmental, emotional, and behavioral issues.

Child psychology is a broad field that encompasses a range of subdisciplines, including cognitive psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, and abnormal psychology. It is closely related to other fields such as education, sociology, and anthropology, and it often involves collaboration with professionals in these fields.

Overall, child psychology is an important field that helps us understand how children grow, learn, and develop, and how we can support their healthy development.

Other groups of children include:

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