Deutsch: Vollkommene Liebe / Español: Amor consumado / Português: Amor consumado / Français: Amour accompli / Italiano: Amore consumato

Consummate Love is the term used in psychology, particularly within the framework of Robert Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love, to describe the most complete form of love. Sternberg's theory conceptualizes love in terms of three fundamental components: intimacy, passion, and commitment. Consummate love is achieved when a relationship combines all three of these components at high levels. It is often viewed as an ideal form of love that couples may strive to attain or maintain over the course of their relationship.


Consummate love represents the pinnacle of relational development according to Sternberg's model. Intimacy refers to feelings of closeness, connectedness, and bondedness in loving relationships. Passion encompasses the drives connected to romance, physical attraction, sexual consummation, and related phenomena. Commitment involves the decision to remain with another person in the long term and to work on maintaining that relationship. When these elements are present in a balanced and robust form, the relationship is considered to have achieved consummate love. This form of love is characterized by a deep understanding between partners, mutual respect, physical attraction, and a lasting commitment.

Despite its ideal nature, maintaining consummate love can be challenging. Relationships may evolve over time, with fluctuations in the levels of intimacy, passion, and commitment due to various life events, stressors, and transitions. Thus, achieving consummate love is not a one-time accomplishment but a continuous process of growth, communication, and mutual effort.

Application Areas

The concept of consummate love is widely applied in relationship counseling and therapy, where it serves as a goal for couples striving to improve their relationship. Therapists may work with couples to identify areas of strength and weakness in their relationship according to the three components of Sternberg's theory, helping them to develop strategies to enhance intimacy, rekindle passion, or strengthen commitment.

Well-Known Examples

While specific examples of consummate love are unique to each relationship, this concept is often exemplified in couples who, even after many years together, continue to show deep affection for each other, maintain a vibrant sexual connection, and demonstrate a strong commitment to facing life's challenges together.

Treatment and Risks

The main challenge associated with consummate love is maintaining the balance between intimacy, passion, and commitment over time. Relationships might start with high levels of all three components but can drift into other forms of love if one or more of these elements diminish. Couples therapy can be an effective treatment for addressing these imbalances, offering strategies to enhance communication, reconnect physically, and reaffirm commitment.

Similar Terms or Synonyms

  • Complete love
  • Ideal love


Consummate love, as defined in Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love, represents the ideal form of love that combines intimacy, passion, and commitment. Achieving and maintaining this type of love is considered a goal for many relationships, requiring ongoing effort, communication, and mutual support. While consummate love is an ideal, it is also a dynamic state that can fluctuate and requires active maintenance to sustain.


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