Deutsch: Gefühl / Español: Sentimiento / Português: Sentimento / Français: Sentiment / Italiano: Sentimento /

Feeling refers to a function of personality in which individuals attend to subjective experiences of pleasure, pain, anger, or other feelings. Its polar opposite is thinking.


In psychology, the term "feeling" refers to the subjective experience of an emotional state or reaction. It encompasses a wide range of sensations, from basic bodily sensations to complex emotional experiences. Feelings are often influenced by cognitive processes, past experiences, and external stimuli. They play a crucial role in guiding behavior and decision-making. Feelings can be fleeting or enduring, intense or subtle, and can vary greatly among individuals. Understanding and managing one's feelings is essential for emotional well-being and interpersonal relationships. Psychologists often study feelings to gain insight into human behavior and mental health.

Application Areas

  • Counseling and therapy
  • Clinical psychology
  • Emotional intelligence training
  • Educational psychology
  • Occupational psychology
  • Psychiatric assessment
  • Relationship counseling

Treatment and Risks

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Mindfulness-based interventions
  • Medication (for certain mood disorders)
  • Risks include emotional dysregulation, maladaptive coping strategies, and interpersonal conflicts.


  • Feeling anxious before a job interview
  • Feeling joyful after receiving good news
  • Feeling angry in response to a perceived injustice
  • Feeling sad when experiencing loss or disappointment
  • Feeling calm and content during meditation

Similar Concepts and Synonyms

  • Emotion
  • Affect
  • Mood
  • Sentiment
  • Sensation

Articles with 'Feeling' in the title

  • Tridimensional theory of feeling: Tridimensional theory of feeling : Tridimensional Theory of feeling refers to Wundt's contention that feelings vary along three (3) dimensions : pleasantness-unpleasantness, excitement-calm, and strain-relaxation
  • Feelings: Feelings is defined as the basic elements of emotion that accompany each sensation. Wundt believed that emotions consist of various combinations of elemental feelings
  • Feelings of inferiority: Feelings of inferiority is a term which according to Adler are those feelings that all humans try to escape by becoming powerful or superior. In the psychology context, "feelings of inferiority" refer to a sense of inadequacy, worthlessness . . .


Feelings, in psychology, encapsulate the subjective experience of emotional states and reactions. They are influenced by various factors, including cognition, past experiences, and external stimuli, and play a crucial role in guiding behavior and decision-making. Understanding and managing feelings are essential for emotional well-being and interpersonal relationships. Psychologists study feelings across diverse contexts to gain insights into human behavior and mental health.
