Denervation supersensitivity is increased sensitivity by a postsynaptic cell after removal of an Axon that formerly innervated it.

Denervation supersensitivity is a phenomenon that occurs when there is a loss of innervation or nerve supply to a particular area of the body, resulting in an increase in the sensitivity of the remaining nerves in that area. This can happen in various parts of the body, including muscles and sensory receptors.

One example of denervation supersensitivity is phantom limb pain, where an individual experiences pain in a limb that has been amputated. In this case, the nerves that used to innervate the limb are no longer present, but the remaining nerves in the area become hypersensitive, causing pain.

Another example is in the case of Bell's palsy, where the facial nerve is damaged or destroyed, leading to partial or complete paralysis of the facial muscles. In this case, the remaining nerves in the face may become hypersensitive, resulting in abnormal sensations or pain in the affected area.

Denervation supersensitivity can also occur in sensory receptors, such as in the case of chronic pain syndromes or neuropathic pain. In these cases, the loss of nerve supply to a particular area can result in hypersensitivity of the remaining nerves, leading to chronic pain or discomfort.

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