Disengaged is a term with reference to families, where members are isolated or feel unconnected to each other and where boundaries are rigid and non-permeable.

In the psychology context, disengaged refers to a state of being disconnected or uninvolved with something or someone. Disengagement can refer to a lack of participation, interest, or involvement in a particular activity, task, or relationship.

Examples of disengaged in the psychology context include:

  • A person who is not interested in or motivated to participate in a particular activity or task
  • A person who is emotionally or socially distant from others, and who does not form close or meaningful relationships
  • A person who is uninvolved or disconnected from their work, school, or other responsibilities

Disengagement can have negative consequences for well-being and functioning, and it can be a sign of psychological distress or other problems. Psychologists and other mental health professionals may study disengagement in order to understand its causes and effects, and to explore ways in which it can be addressed or overcome.