Deutsch: Dyadische Beziehungen / Español: Relaciones diádicas / Português: Relações diádicas / Français: Relations dyadiques / Italiano: Relazioni diadiche /

Dyadic relationships is defined as relationships that develop between two (2) people.

In psychology, a dyadic relationship is a close, two-person relationship between individuals who interact with and influence each other. Dyadic relationships can be romantic, such as between spouses or partners, or they can be platonic, such as between friends or family members.

Dyadic relationships are an important area of study in psychology, as they can have a significant impact on an individual's social, emotional, and psychological well-being. Factors that can influence the quality and effectiveness of a dyadic relationship include communication, trust, conflict resolution, and intimacy.

Examples of dyadic relationships in psychology might include:

Research on dyadic relationships has looked at a variety of topics, including how these relationships develop and change over time, how they are influenced by individual and situational factors, and how they can be improved or strengthened.