Deutsch: Glück / Español: Suerte / Português: Sorte / Français: Chance / Italiano: Fortuna

In the context of psychology, luck refers to the perception of favorable or unfavorable outcomes that seem to happen by chance rather than through one's own actions. Psychological studies often explore how beliefs about luck influence behavior, decision-making, and emotional well-being.

General Description

Luck in psychology is not just seen as a series of random events but is often perceived and interpreted through personal and cultural lenses. Some people may see themselves as inherently lucky or unlucky, which can significantly affect their expectations, actions, and reactions to various situations. Psychological research into luck examines not only individual differences in how luck is perceived but also how these perceptions affect resilience, motivation, and success.

Application Areas

  • Personality Psychology: Studies how traits like optimism and pessimism can influence an individual’s perception of luck and their general outlook on life.
  • Cognitive Psychology: Examines how belief in luck affects decision-making and risk-taking behaviors.
  • Clinical Psychology: Looks at how superstitions and beliefs in luck can impact mental health, potentially leading to anxiety or obsessive-compulsive behaviors in extreme cases.

Treatment and Risks

Understanding an individual's belief in luck can be important in therapeutic settings, especially when addressing issues related to gambling, superstitions, or excessive risk-taking. Therapists might work with clients to develop more realistic attributions for events to decrease anxiety or dependency on luck.

Excessive belief in luck can lead to neglecting personal responsibility and control, reducing proactive efforts towards goal achievement. However, a balanced view of luck can contribute to positive mental health by enhancing coping mechanisms and resilience in the face of life’s uncertainties.

Similar Terms

  • Chance: Often used interchangeably with luck, although chance is more neutral and refers to the probability of events occurring without implication of good or bad outcomes.
  • Fate: A predetermined course of events often considered inevitable, typically used in a more philosophical or spiritual context than luck.

Articles with 'Luck' in the title

  • Run of luck: Run of luck refers to a statistically unusual outcome, like getting five heads in a row when flipping a coin that could still occur by chance alone.


In psychology, luck is understood as the interpretation of and belief in events happening by chance, which influences an individual's behavior and emotional state. Psychological studies of luck focus on how these beliefs shape our decision-making, success, and overall psychological resilience.
