Glossary M

McNaughten rule refers to a standard for judging legal insanity which requires that either an offender did not know what he or she were doing, or that, if he or she did, that he or she did not know it was wrong.

MD is the abbreviations of Muscular dystrophy that refers to a chronic disease characterized by a progressive wasting away of the muscles. Likewise, MD is a broad term used to describe a genetic disorder of the muscles. It causes the muscles in the body to become very weak, and over a period of time, the muscles break down and are replaced with fatty deposits.

MDD is the abbreviations of Major depressive disorder which refers to a psychological disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and despair and a loss of interest in previous sources of pleasure. Likewise, MDD is defined as a mood disorder in which the individual experiences acute, but time-limited, episodes of depressive symptoms.
MDP is the abbreviations of Muramyl Dipeptide, a substance that raises body temperature, activates the immune system, and increases the amount of NREM sleep sleep when injected into

MDTs is the acronym of Mobile data Terminals

Deutsch: Durchschnitt / Español: Media / Português: Média / Français: Moyenne / Italiano: Media /

Mean is defined as the measure that represents an arithmetic average of a set of numbers. Mean is derived by dividing the sum of a group of numerical items by the total number of items in that group. For example, mean family income is obtained by dividing the total of all income reported by people 15 years and over in families by the total number of families. Moreover, Mean is a measure of central tendency obtained by summing the individual scores and dividing the sum by the number of scores.

There is a second meaning, where 'mean' refers to a type of aggression. This is described in the following chapters.

Mean effect size used in meta-analysis, a statistic that is the average of the effect sizes for all studies included in the analysis.

Mean length of utterance (MLU) refers to a measure of language development defined by the average number of meaningful language units (root words and endings) a child uses at any one time. Mean length of utterance (MLU), moreover, is defined as the common measure of grammatical development. It is the average length of the utterances in a sample of spontaneous speech, often counted in terms of the number of morphemes.

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