Deutsch: Makrosomatisch / Español: Macrosomático / Português: Macrosomático / Français: Macrosomatique / Italiano: Macrosomatico /

Macrosmatic means having a keen sense of smell that is important to an animal’s survival.

Macrosmatic refers to an animal (including humans) that has a particularly keen sense of smell. This heightened sense of smell is important to the animal's survival, as it enables them to detect and distinguish a wide range of odors that may be relevant to their environment, including the smells of food, predators, and potential mates.

In psychology, the term macrosmatic is often used to describe animals that rely heavily on their sense of smell for survival and that have evolved specialized structures and behaviors to support this sense. Examples of macrosmatic animals include dogs, cats, bears, and many species of birds and mammals.

Human beings are also macrosmatic to some extent, although our sense of smell is generally not as highly developed as that of many other animals. In humans, the sense of smell is important for a variety of functions, including detecting and identifying odors, detecting danger or toxins, and influencing our mood and behavior. However, our reliance on the sense of smell is generally less critical to our survival than it is for many other animals.