Deutsch: Verhalten / Español: Comportamiento / Português: Comportamento / Français: Comportement / Italiano: Comportamento /

Behavior refers to the observable response a person makes to any situation. It also includes the reactions or movements made by an individual usually in relation to the environment.

Behavior is controlled by the endocrine system, and the nervous system. Behavior is evaluated relative to social norms and regulated by various means of social control. The person's behavior is studied in human behavior while animal behaviour is studied in comparative psychology, ethology, behavioural ecology and sociobiology.

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Behavior refers to any activity of an organism that can be observed or somehow measured. It refers to habits, responses, and reactions that can be observed and measured. It is what a person does, how a person acts in response to a stimulus Behavior, moreover means anything that a person does. This implies that the activity is physical and includes obvious, subtle, internal, and private events.

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Deutsch: Verhalten

Behavior (British English: "behaviour") refers to the actions and responses of an individual or group. Behavior can be overt, meaning it is visible to others, or it can be covert, meaning it is internal or private, such as thoughts or feelings.

Psychologists study behavior in order to better understand the underlying causes and factors that influence it, and to develop theories and interventions that can help explain and modify behavior. For example, a psychologist might study the behavior of children in order to understand how they learn and develop, or they might study the behavior of adults in order to understand how they cope with stress or make decisions.

The study of behavior is a key area of psychology, and encompasses a wide range of topics, including learning, motivation, emotion, and social interaction. Understanding behavior is important for a variety of applications, including improving mental health and well-being, promoting social and emotional development, and understanding and addressing social and environmental issues.