Puberty refers to the biological transition from childhood to young adulthood

Puberty is a stage of development that occurs during adolescence, during which a person's body undergoes physical and hormonal changes that signal the transition from childhood to adulthood. These changes include the onset of sexual maturity and the ability to reproduce.

In psychology, puberty is often studied as a time of significant physical, emotional, and social development. It is a time when young people are confronted with many new and often challenging experiences, such as changes in their bodies, the onset of sexual feelings and attractions, and the need to make decisions about their future.

Here are some examples of the psychological effects of puberty:

  • A person experiences changes in their body, such as the growth of breast tissue in girls or the development of facial hair in boys, which can lead to feelings of self-consciousness or insecurity.

  • A person experiences the onset of sexual feelings and attractions, which can lead to confusion, anxiety, or excitement.

  • A person is faced with the need to make decisions about their future, such as choosing a career or planning for higher education, which can be overwhelming or stressful.

During puberty, young people may also experience changes in their social relationships, as they navigate new roles and responsibilities and seek independence from their parents. Understanding the psychological effects of puberty can help young people and their caregivers to better cope with these changes and support healthy development.

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