Posterior means located toward the rear end, toward the back or the tail.

In psychology, the term "posterior" might refer to the back or rear part of the body or of an organ. It might also refer to a position that is located behind or after something else.

For example, the posterior part of the brain is the back part of the brain, which includes the occipital lobe (which is involved in vision) and the cerebellum (which is involved in movement and balance). A psychologist might study the functions of the posterior part of the brain in order to better understand how the brain processes visual information or coordinates movement.

In another example, a psychologist might use the term "posterior" to refer to a position that is located behind or after something else. For example, the posterior part of a chair is the back part of the chair, and a person who is sitting in the posterior part of a chair is sitting in the back part of the chair.

Overall, "posterior" refers to the back or rear part of the body or of an organ, or to a position that is located behind or after something else. In psychology, the term "posterior" might be used to refer to the back part of the body or brain, or to a position that is located behind or after something else.

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