Assumptive reality refer to assumptions about situations and people that one believes are real and true.

In psychology, assumptive reality is the set of assumptions that individuals make about the world and their place in it. These assumptions shape how we perceive and interact with the world around us.

For example, an individual might have an assumptive reality that involves the belief that the world is generally a safe place and that most people are trustworthy. This might influence how they approach social situations, such as being more likely to trust people they meet and more open to trying new things.

On the other hand, an individual might have an assumptive reality that involves the belief that the world is generally a dangerous place and that most people cannot be trusted. This might influence how they approach social situations, such as being more wary of trusting people they meet and more hesitant to try new things.

Overall, assumptive reality plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

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