Deutsch: Glaube / Español: Creencia / Português: Crença / Français: Croyance / Italiano: Credenza /

Belief refers to the extent to which an individual subscribes to society's values. According to Tolman, Belief is an expectation that experience has consistently confirmed.


Belief in the psychology context refers to the mental acceptance or conviction in the truth or existence of something, often without definitive proof. Beliefs can be shaped by a variety of factors, including personal experiences, cultural influences, and social interactions. They serve as a guide for behavior, decision-making, and understanding the world around us.
Beliefs can be classified into different categories, such as religious beliefs, political beliefs, and self-beliefs. They can also be positive or negative, rational or irrational, and flexible or rigid. Beliefs can influence our thoughts, emotions, and actions, impacting our mental health and well-being.
Psychologists study beliefs to understand how they are formed, maintained, and changed. Cognitive psychologists explore the cognitive processes underlying beliefs, such as perception, memory, reasoning, and judgment. Social psychologists investigate how beliefs are influenced by social factors, such as conformity, persuasion, and group dynamics.
Beliefs can be powerful motivators that drive behavior and shape identity. They can provide a sense of purpose, meaning, and security. However, they can also lead to conflict, bias, and close-mindedness if not critically examined and challenged.
In therapy, psychologists help clients identify and explore their beliefs to promote self-awareness, personal growth, and mental health. Techniques such as cognitive restructuring, mindfulness, and cognitive-behavioral therapy are used to challenge and modify unhelpful or distorted beliefs.

Application Areas

  • Therapy:
  • Relationships:
  • Health:
  • Learning:
  • Motivation:

Well-Known Examples

  • Confirmation bias: The tendency to interpret information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs.
  • Self-efficacy: Belief in one's ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish a task.
  • Attribution theory: The theory that individuals tend to ascribe the causes of their behavior to internal or external factors based on their beliefs.
  • False consensus effect: The tendency to overestimate the extent to which others share our beliefs and behaviors.
  • Belief perseverance: Clinging to one's initial beliefs even after receiving new information that contradicts or disconfirms them.

Treatment and Risks

  • Treatment for belief: Cognitive-behavioral therapy that challenges and modifies irrational beliefs.
  • Therapeutic intervention: Counseling to explore the underlying reasons and emotions that contribute to the belief.
  • Medication: Psychotropic drugs may be prescribed to address symptoms associated with belief-related disorders.
  • Self-help techniques: Mindfulness practices and relaxation exercises to manage and reduce the impact of beliefs on daily life.
  • Risks of belief: Cognitive distortions leading to negative thought patterns and unhealthy behaviors.
  • Isolation: Belief can result in disconnection from others due to irrational fears or suspicions.
  • Anxiety: Constant worry and stress can develop as a result of strongly held beliefs.
  • Dysfunctional relationships: Belief can strain relationships with friends and family members who disagree or do not understand.

Similar Terms

  • Conviction: a strong belief or opinion
  • Faith: strong belief in something without proof or evidence
  • Credo: a set of beliefs or principles
  • Doctrine: a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a religious, political, or other group
  • Opinion: a belief or judgment based on one's thoughts or feelings rather than on proof or evidence

Examples of Sentences

  • Belief in oneself is crucial for success.
  • Many people hold strong beliefs about therapy.
  • The therapist guided them through their beliefs about their childhood.
  • She is believing in cognitive-behavioral therapy as an effective treatment.


  • (American Psychological Association: Provides information on beliefs and psychology)
  • (Psychology Today: Features articles and resources on belief systems)
  • (Verywell Mind: Offers insights and resources on beliefs and their impact on mental health)
  • (Belief Institute: Focuses on the role of beliefs in shaping behavior and emotions)

Articles with 'Belief' in the title

  • Belief component: Belief component refers to what a person thinks or believes about the object of an attitude. In psychology, the belief component refers to the cognitive aspect of attitudes and beliefs
  • Belief perserverance: Belief perserverance: Belief perseverance refers to the tendency to cling to one's initial belief even after receiving newinformation which contradicts or disconfirms the basis of that
  • Belief-bias effect: Belief-bias effect refers to a situation that occurs when a person's prior knowledge, attitudes, or values distort the reasoning process by influencing the person to accept invalid arguments
  • Belief-desire theory: Belief-desire theory refers to the theory of mind that develops between ages 3 and 4 wherein the child now realizes that both beliefs and desires may determine behavior and that people will usually act on their beliefs, even if they are ina . . .
  • Core belief: Core belief refers to an Unconscious belief which we have about ourselves that directs our life choices and limits us in what we create in the world. "Not good enough" or "not lovable" are t wo (2) of a very common Core beliefs some people . . .
  • False belief (understanding): False belief (understanding) : False belief (understanding) is defined as the understanding that other people can hold beliefs that contradict reality and that they will act on those beliefs
  • False-belief task: False-belief task refers to a type of task used in theory-of-mind studies, in which the child must infer that another person does not possess knowledge that he or she possesses, that is, that other person holds a belief that is false
  • HBM (Health Belief Model): HBM (Health Belief Model) which is the acronym of Health Belief Model which is a major theory of health behavior that suggests that our beliefs relating to the effectiveness, ease, and consequences of doing (or not doing) a certain behavior . . .
  • Beliefs: Beliefs refer to pieces of information about something- facts or opinions.. In the psychology context, beliefs refer to an individual's subjective perceptions, attitudes, and assumptions about the world around them


Belief in psychology refers to the mental acceptance of something as true or real, often without empirical evidence. Beliefs can shape thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, influencing how individuals perceive and interact with the world around them. They can be influenced by personal experiences, cultural norms, social influences, and cognitive biases. Beliefs play a crucial role in the formation of attitudes and values, and can impact decision-making processes and the interpretation of events.
