Alphonse Bertillon is the founder of Anthropometrics. Bertillon is revered in some quarters as the pioneer of human identification "sciences" by his development of anthropometry, but he did not engage in the kind of "scientific research" that would have satisfied the strict Daubert-factor devotees when he announced his system of identification by bodily measurements.

He began with an instinctive notion that when a series of measurements of various human body parts were undertaken, there would be so much diversity noticed that the chance of two people having the same measurements in every part of their body was so remote as to be negligible. No statistics were deemed necessary to put this system into use. Indeed, it was the discovery of two persons with similar names and identical measurements in the same U.S. penal facility – the so-called Will West and William West cases – whose fingerprints were nevertheless different, that resulted in the abandonment of anthropometry in favor of fingerprinting. (See Bertillon measurements)