Will is defined as the determination to exercise free choice and self-control. Will, according to Erikson, refers to a young child’s understanding that he or she can act on the world intentionally; this occurs when autonomy, shame, and doubt are in balance.

According to Wundt, Will is that aspect of humans that allows them to direct their attention anywhere they wish. Because of his emphasis on Will, Wundt's version of Psychology was called Voluntarism.


In psychology, 'will' refers to the mental faculty by which a person chooses or decides upon a course of action. It is closely related to motivation, intention, and self-control. Willpower is often seen as a key factor in achieving goals and overcoming obstacles. The concept of 'will' can vary in strength from person to person and can be influenced by various internal and external factors.

Psychologists study the development of willpower in individuals, as well as how it can be strengthened or weakened. Understanding 'will' can provide insight into decision-making processes, behavior patterns, and personal growth.

The phenomenon of 'will' is complex and multidimensional, involving cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components. It plays a crucial role in self-regulation and self-determination, affecting a person's ability to resist temptations, delay gratification, and pursue long-term goals.

Application Areas

  • Psychotherapy
  • Addiction treatment
  • Behavior modification
  • Self-help programs

Treatment and Risks

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy to strengthen willpower
  • Risks include burnout or exhaustion from exerting too much willpower
  • Over reliance on willpower without addressing underlying issues


  • Resisting the urge to smoke despite addiction
  • Choosing to exercise regularly despite feeling lazy
  • Studying for exams instead of procrastinating

Similar Concepts and Synonyms

  • Volition
  • Determination
  • Self-discipline
  • Self-control

Articles with 'Will' in the title

  • Confinement against one’s will: Confinement against one’s will refers to the critical ethical and legal issue that addresses the fact that an individual cannot be hospitalized against his or her will unless he or she is in danger of harming self or another
  • Free will: Free will for Beccaria and the classical school, even though people are hedonistic, they also possess reason, and can therefore calculate the course of action that is really in their self-interest
  • Living will: Living will refers to a will prepared by a person with a terminal illness, requesting that extraordinary life-sustaining procedures not be used in the event that the person's ability to make this decision is lost


In psychology, 'will' plays a crucial role in decision-making, goal pursuit, and self-regulation. It encompasses the ability to choose, resist temptations, and take intentional actions. Understanding and strengthening 'will' can lead to improved self-control and overall well-being.
