Deutsch: Kompromiss / Español: Compromiso / Português: Compromisso / Français: Compromis / Italiano: Compromesso /

Compromise refers to the settlement of a dispute by mutual concession. A compromise often results in both parties giving something up and meeting midway.

In psychology, compromise refers to the process of finding a middle ground or reaching an agreement in which each party gives up some of their demands in order to reach a mutually beneficial solution. Compromise is often seen as an important part of healthy relationships and can be an effective way for people to resolve conflicts or differences.

There are many factors that can influence the ability to compromise, including personality traits, communication skills, and emotional intelligence. Psychologists may study the role of compromise in relationships and work with individuals or couples to improve their ability to compromise in order to resolve conflicts and maintain healthy relationships.

Examples of compromise in psychology might include a couple who are trying to decide on a vacation destination and decide to choose a location that is halfway between their two preferred destinations, or a group of coworkers who are trying to reach a decision and agree to a solution that incorporates elements from each person's preferred option.