Deutsch: Kulturübergreifend / Español: Justo de Cultura / Português: Justo Cultural / Français: Équitable Culturel / Italiano: Equo Culturale /

Culture-fair means equally appropriate and fair for members of all cultures.

In psychology, the term culture-fair refers to tests or measures that are designed to be unbiased or neutral with respect to cultural differences. Culture-fair tests are intended to minimize the influence of cultural factors on test performance and to provide a level playing field for people from different cultural backgrounds.

There are many examples of culture-fair tests in psychology. For example, a culture-fair intelligence test might be designed to avoid using language or cultural references that might favor one group over another. Culture-fair tests may also be designed to be sensitive to the unique experiences and perspectives of different cultural groups.

The use of culture-fair tests is often motivated by a desire to reduce the impact of cultural bias on test results and to ensure that test scores accurately reflect an individual's abilities rather than being influenced by cultural factors. Culture-fair tests are used in a variety of settings, including education, employment, and research.

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