Deutsch: Abwertung / Español: Desvalorización / Português: Desvalorização / Français: Dévaluation / Italiano: Svalutazione /

Devaluation in psychology refers to the process of assigning a lower value or worth to oneself or others, often leading to feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and diminished self-esteem. It can manifest in various forms, such as devaluing one's own abilities, devaluing the worth of others, or even devaluing entire groups of people based on stereotypes or biases. Devaluation can have significant psychological and social consequences, affecting relationships, mental health, and overall well-being.

Examples and Application Areas of Devaluation:

  1. Self-Devaluation: An individual experiencing self-devaluation may constantly criticize their abilities, appearance, or worth, believing they are inherently inferior to others.

  2. Interpersonal Devaluation: Devaluation can also be directed towards others, leading to negative judgments and attitudes towards friends, family, colleagues, or acquaintances. For example, a person may devalue a coworker's contributions or a friend's achievements.

  3. Group Devaluation: Devaluation can extend to entire groups of people, often rooted in prejudice or stereotypes. This can result in discrimination, bias, and unequal treatment based on factors like race, gender, or socioeconomic status.

Risks and Implications of Devaluation:

  1. Low Self-Esteem: Persistent self-devaluation contributes to low self-esteem, making it challenging to assert oneself, pursue goals, or maintain healthy relationships.

  2. Interpersonal Conflict: Devaluing others can lead to interpersonal conflicts, damaged relationships, and social isolation.

  3. Social Inequality: Group devaluation perpetuates social inequality and discrimination, reinforcing harmful stereotypes and biases.

Recommendations for Addressing Devaluation:

  1. Self-Reflection: Encourage self-reflection to identify and challenge negative beliefs and attitudes towards oneself and others.

  2. Empathy and Perspective-Taking: Practicing empathy and perspective-taking can help individuals recognize the humanity and worth of others, reducing interpersonal devaluation.

  3. Education and Awareness: Promote education and awareness about prejudice, bias, and discrimination to combat group devaluation and foster inclusivity.

History and Legal Basics:

The concept of devaluation has historical roots in social psychology, where researchers have explored the impact of stereotypes and biases on individuals and groups. In legal contexts, devaluation can be relevant in cases involving discrimination, hate crimes, or civil rights violations.

Similar Concepts:

  • Depersonalization: Depersonalization involves viewing oneself or others as objects rather than individuals with feelings and needs, often a component of devaluation.

  • Dehumanization: Dehumanization is an extreme form of devaluation in which individuals or groups are seen as less than human, justifying mistreatment or violence.

  • Stigmatization: Stigmatization is the process of labeling individuals or groups based on perceived differences and often leads to devaluation and discrimination.


In psychology, devaluation involves assigning lower value or worth to oneself, others, or entire groups, leading to negative beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. It can manifest as self-devaluation, interpersonal devaluation, or group devaluation, with implications for self-esteem, relationships, and social equality. Addressing devaluation requires self-reflection, empathy, and education. Historically, devaluation has been explored in social psychology, and legally, it can be relevant in cases involving discrimination. Related concepts include depersonalization, dehumanization, and stigmatization, all of which involve negative perceptions and attitudes towards individuals or groups.


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