DSM-III (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) refers to the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders which was published in 1980. The DSM-III introduced revolutionary changes in the diagnostic system, including explicit, etiologically neutral diagnostic criteria and a multiaxial system of diagnosis.

The DSM-III is a classification system developed by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in 1980. It is a widely used and influential manual for diagnosing mental disorders in clinical practice and research.

The DSM-III introduced a number of significant changes to the way mental disorders are classified, including the use of a multiaxial system and a focus on diagnostic criteria based on observable symptoms. It also expanded the number of disorders included in the manual and provided a more detailed and standardized diagnostic process.

Examples of disorders included in the DSM-III include:

The DSM-III was updated and revised several times over the years, with the most recent edition being the DSM-5, which was published in 2013. Despite criticisms of the DSM's diagnostic system and the reliability and validity of certain diagnoses, it continues to be a widely used tool for diagnosing mental disorders in clinical practice and research.

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