Global assumptions refer to fundamental beliefs that encompass all types of situations.

In psychology, global assumptions refer to broad, overarching beliefs that people hold about the nature of the world and their place in it. Global assumptions are often unconscious and may shape a person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in fundamental ways.

Global assumptions can be positive or negative, and can influence a person's outlook and approach to life. For example, a person who holds a global assumption that the world is a generally safe and supportive place is more likely to approach new situations with confidence and optimism, while a person who holds a global assumption that the world is a dangerous and hostile place may be more anxious and wary.

Here are some examples of global assumptions:

  • A person believes that people are generally kind and trustworthy, and approaches new social situations with openness and confidence.

  • A person believes that the world is a competitive and unforgiving place, and approaches new challenges with anxiety and fear.

  • A person believes that they are capable and worthy, and approaches new opportunities with enthusiasm and determination.

  • A person believes that they are not capable or deserving, and approaches new opportunities with fear and self-doubt.

Global assumptions can be shaped by a variety of factors, including personal experiences, cultural beliefs, and social conditioning. They can have a powerful influence on a person's worldview and can affect the way they interpret and respond to events and situations.