Glossary H

Homogamy is defined as the marriage of two (2) people who are similar to one another. It is the tendency of people to marry others who have similar personal characteristics;similarity of values and interests. The notion that similar interests and values are important in forming strong, lasting interpersonal relationships.

Homogeneity of cognitive function refers to the assumption in stage theories that a child's cognition is relatively homogeneous, or even, across different tasks and contexts.

Homogeneous group are groups whose members share the same characteristics.

Homologous means corresponding in structure, position, or origin but not necessarily in function.

Homologous structures refer to body parts that develop from the same embryonic tissue, an example would be the female clitoris and the male penis
Homologous transfusion refers to a blood transfusion using blood of the same type but from another donor.

Homology means similarity in characteristics resulting from a shared ancestry. Homology is from the Greek "homologia" which means agreement.

Homonymous means same-sided.