Glossary H

Homonymous hemianopia means same-sided half-blindness. It is partial blindness on the same side, or visual field, of each eye. The partial blindness is not related to a malfunction of the eye, but to the brain connection to the occipital lobes. This problem is also attributed to unilateral damage to the right or left occipital lobes.

Homophily is defined as the tendency for group members to display certain affinities, such as similarities in demographic background, attitudes, values, or so on. It is the overall degree of similarity of individuals within the same group.

Homophobia refers to irrational hatred or fear of homosexuals or homosexuality.

Homophones is defined as a word that is pronounced the same as another word but means something different, such as to and two or fate and faith
Homoseductive mother refers to Irving Bieber's term for the mother who is seductive toward her son, traumatizing the boy and turning him into a homosexual.

Homosexual is defined as a person romantically and erotically attracted to same-sex persons.It refers to an erotic orientation toward members of one's own sex.

Homosexuality refers to formation of sexual relationships with members of the same sex