Glossary H

A hobby is an activity that a person engages in for pleasure or personal fulfillment, rather than for work or obligation. Hobbies can have a range of psychological benefits, including reducing stress, promoting relaxation and mindfulness, and increasing feelings of accomplishment and competence.

Höhenangst means acrophobia which is the fear of heights. It is a German word which literally means height fear (fear of heights)
Hold-out sample refers to a group of employees who are not used in creating the initial weights for a biodata instrument, but instead are used to double-check the accuracy of the initial weights

Holism refers to an approach that focuses on the whole system, example is the whole human being

Holistic approach refers to an approach to language acquisition that is more characteristic of some children than of others. It consists of memorizing large, unanalyzed chunks of speech. Please see also Analytical approach.
Holistic health is defined as a philosophy characterized by the belief that health is a positive state that is actively achieved; often associated with certain non-traditional health practices.

Holistic integration technique refers to technique for Personal Growth which is based on the principle that increased Awareness leads to beneficial changes and increased integration of th

Holistic perspective refers to a unified view of the developmental process that emphasizes the interrelationships among the physical/biological, mental, social, and emotional aspects of human development.