Heretic refers to a person who holds unorthodox or unconventional beliefs. Heretic also means not conforming to established beliefs.

In the field of psychology, the term "heretic" might be used to refer to an individual who holds beliefs or ideas that are considered unconventional or unorthodox within the field. A heretic in psychology might be someone who challenges or rejects established theories or practices, or who proposes alternative viewpoints or approaches.

For example, an individual who challenges the dominant theories of personality or intelligence in psychology might be considered a heretic within the field. Similarly, an individual who proposes an alternative approach to therapy or treatment might be considered a heretic within the field.

The term "heretic" can have negative connotations and may be used to imply that an individual's ideas or beliefs are unpopular or unpopular within the field of psychology. However, heretics can also play important roles in the development of new ideas and theories within psychology, and their ideas and viewpoints may be considered valuable or influential in the long run.

Overall, a heretic in psychology is an individual who holds beliefs or ideas that are considered unconventional or unorthodox within the field and who may challenge or reject established theories or practices.

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