Deutsch: Konnotation / Español: Connotación / Português: Conotação / Français: Connotation / Italiano: Connotazione /

Connotation is defined as a word''s emotional overtones, presuppositions, and other nonexplicit meanings; the aspect of meaning suggested by a word but not strictly part of the word's dictionary definition.

In psychology, connotation refers to the emotional or cultural associations that are attached to a word or phrase, in addition to its literal meaning. Connotations can vary depending on an individual's personal experiences and cultural background, and they can influence the way a word or phrase is perceived or interpreted.

For example, the word "home" might have a positive connotation for some people, evoking feelings of comfort, security, and belonging. For others, however, the word "home" might have a negative connotation, bringing up memories of abuse or neglect. Similarly, the phrase "family values" might have a positive connotation for some people, suggesting traditional and wholesome ideals, while for others it might have a negative connotation, suggesting narrow-mindedness or intolerance.

In psychology, connotations can be relevant in a number of contexts, such as language use, perception, and communication. For example:

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