Deutsch: Irrationale Liebe / Español: Amor Irracional / Português: Amor Irracional / Français: Amour Irrationnel / Italiano: Amore Irrazionale /

Irrational love refers to a kind of love that exists in abusive relationships, one-sided relationships, or when a person has a strong physical, mental, or emotional attachment to an inanimate object. This is the type of love in which a person does not think rationally about his or her gains versus losses due to his/her obsession. In most cases the losses outweigh the gains; however, the person's fixation causes them to remain in the cyclic situation. In the case of abusive relationships, there are other emotions that coincide with the irrational love and culminate to maintain the harmful bond. In the case of the love for an inanimate object, the love can be explained as an attachment where the material possession of the good creates an elation of great magnitude.