Object is a term used in Psychoanalytic theory to refer, usually, to an important person in the child’s life.

In psychology, an object can refer to a person, animal, or thing that is perceived or experienced through the senses. Objects can be external, meaning that they are physical entities that exist outside of the individual's mind, or they can be internal, meaning that they are mental representations or concepts that exist within the individual's mind.

In the field of psychology, the term "object" is often used in the context of object relations theory, which is a psychological theory that focuses on the relationships between people and their objects. According to this theory, people form mental representations or internal objects of the people, animals, and things that they encounter in the world, and these internal objects influence their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Object relations theory is particularly concerned with how individuals relate to others, and how their relationships with others shape their sense of self and their emotional development. It is based on the idea that individuals form internal mental representations of themselves and others based on their early experiences with caregivers and other important figures in their lives, and that these internal representations continue to shape their relationships and emotional responses to others throughout their lives.

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