Glossary M

Meningitis is defined as the inflammation of the meninges caused by bacterial infection or viral infection. Meningitis can progress quickly, within 24 hours, from a respiratory illness, with fever, headache, and a stiff neck, to changes in consciousness including stupor, coma, and death.

Menkes syndrome also known as Kinky hair syndrome refers to a genetic disorder in which the hair is fragile and twisted ("kinky") and there is progressive deterioration of the brain and arterial changes leading to death in infancy. The condition is an inborn error of metabolism that markedly decreases the ability to absorb copper. It can usually be diagnosed by looking at the person's hair, which appears to be both whitish and kinked when viewed under a microscope.

Menopause is defined as the cessation of menstruation. Menopause is a stage when the female ovaries stop producing eggs. It occurs around the age of 50 for women and is accompanied by a drop in hormone levels.
Mens rea is the Latin word which literally "guilty mind" refers to an awareness of wrongdoing; the intention to commit a criminal act or behave recklessly.

Menstrual cycle refers to a periodic variation in hormones and fertility in women over the course of approximately one (1) month.
Menstrual synchrony refers to synchronized menstruation of women who live together. These women experience menstrual periods that begin at approximately the same time. There is evidence that the sense of smell is involved in determining this effect.

Mental age refers to the age for which a given score on a mental ability test is average or normal.

Mental chemistry refers to the process by which individual sensations can combine to form a new sensation that is different from any of the individual sensations that constitute it.

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