Glossary M

Monotonic function is defined as a function that increases throughout its range or decreases throughout its range.
Monotonic relationship refers to consistently one-directional relationship between two (2) variables. As one variable increases, the other variable also tends to increase or tends to decrease. The relationship can be either linear or curvilinear.

Monotropy refers to the notion that infants have an innate tendency to form strong bonds with their mother as proposed by Bowlby.
Monozygotic that which pertains to or derived from one (1) zygote.
Monozygotic (MZ) twins are twins who share 100 percent of their genes, because they developed from a single fertilized egg. Please see also Monozygotic (identical) twins; MZ Twins

Monozygotic twins refer to twins of the same sex and genetic constitution.

Monozyotic (or MZ) refers to twins, as opposed to dizygotic (or DZ) twins, develop from the same egg, and carry virtually the same genetic material.

Montessori curriculum is defines as a curriculum that involves different-aged children with materials designed for exercises in daily living, sensory development and academic development and the teacher facilitates individual learning through observation and encouragement.