Glossary M

Mooncalf may refer to the following (1) a daydreamer or absent-minded person; (2) a fool or simpleton; and (3) a congenitally deformed person.

Moonlighting means working more than one job.

Moral affect refers to the emotional component of morality, that includes feelings such as empathy, guilt, shame, and pride in ethical conduct

Moral anxiety is defined as anxiety that occurs when one is punished for expressing ID impulses and come to associate those with punishment. Moreover, Moral anxiety refers to anxiety that arises from the concern that a person will act in a way that conflicts with the standards of his or her conscience.

Moral behavior refers to the behavioral component of morality; actions that are consistent with one’s moral standards in situations in which one is tempted to violate them.

Moral development is definea as the development of values, beliefs, and thinking abilities that act as a guide regarding what is acceptable behavior; the acquisition of the principles or rules of right conduct and the distinction between right and wrong.

Moral disengagement is defined as the ability to avoid self -condemnation when engaged in immoral behavior by justifying one’s actions as appropriate, minimizing their effects, or blaming others for one’s conduct

Moral enterprise refers to a term which encompasses all the efforts a particular interest group makes to have its sense of propriety enacted into law.

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