Deutsch: Gedächtnis / Español: Memoria / Português: Memória / Français: Mémoire / Italiano: Memoria /

Memory is defined as the mental system for receiving, encoding , storing, organizing, altering, and retrieving information.

It is the means by which people retain and draw on their past experiences to use this information in the present Memory, moreover, is defined as the cognitive processes underlying the storage, retention, and retrieval of information; processes by which humans store and retrieve information.

In the field of psychology, "memory" refers to the cognitive process by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. Memory is a complex process that involves several different stages, including encoding, storage, and retrieval.

For example, in the context of cognitive psychology, memory research would focus on understanding how people process and remember information. This would include studying the different types of memory (e.g. short-term memory, long-term memory, semantic memory, etc.), how information is encoded, stored and retrieved, and how memory can be improved.

Examples of research topics within psychology that focus on memory include:

Overall, the study of memory in psychology aims to understand the complex processes that underlie the ability to retain and recall information and to identify the factors that influence memory performance.

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