Deutsch: Leidenschaftliche Liebe / Español: Amor apasionado / Português: Amor apaixonado / Français: Amour passionné / Italiano: Amore appassionato /

Passionate love refers to an intense emotional state, involving sexual desire, feelings of ecstasy, and perhaps anguish. It is a state of intense longing for union with another.

Passionate lovers are absorbed in one another, feel ecstatic at attaining their partner's love, and are disconsolate on losing it. Moreover, Passionate love is defined as the feelings of intense longing, accompanied by physiological arousal, we feel for another person; when our love is reciprocated, we feel great fulfillment and ecstasy, but when it is not, we feel sadness and despair.


Passionate love in the psychology context refers to intense feelings of longing, desire, and attraction towards another person. It involves a strong emotional connection, physical chemistry, and a deep sense of attachment. This type of love is often characterized by overwhelming emotions, infatuation, and a desire to be close to the object of affection. People experiencing passionate love may feel a sense of euphoria, excitement, and heightened energy levels. It can lead to obsessive thoughts, intense jealousy, and a strong need for reciprocity from the partner. Passionate love is typically marked by a sense of urgency and a focus on the present moment, with an emphasis on intense feelings of passion and desire.

Application Areas

  • Relationship counseling
  • Social psychology research
  • Attachment theory studies
  • Emotional intelligence training

Treatment and Risks

  • Psychotherapy for managing intense emotions
  • Risks of codependency and unhealthy attachment patterns
  • Potential for emotional distress and heartbreak
  • Exploration of underlying insecurities and fears


  • John's passionate love for his partner was evident in the way he constantly expressed his adoration and desire for her.
  • After years of marriage, Sarah and Tom's passionate love for each other remained strong, keeping their relationship vibrant and exciting.
  • Emma's passionate love for the arts fueled her creativity and inspired her to pursue a career in the field.

Similar Concepts and Synonyms

  • Obsessive love
  • Infatuation
  • Intense attraction
  • Romantic obsession

Articles with 'Passionate love' in the title

  • Romantic love (Passionate love): Romantic love (Passionate love) : Romantic love (Passionate love ) is defined as strong feelings of longing, desire, and excitement toward a special person- the kind of love that involves strong and intense feelings, infatuation, arousal, . . .


Passionate love in psychology encompasses intense emotions, desire, and attachment towards another person. It is characterized by infatuation, obsession, and a strong need for reciprocity. While it can bring euphoria and excitement, passionate love also carries risks of codependency, emotional distress, and unhealthy attachment patterns. Understanding and managing passionate love can lead to healthier relationships and personal growth.


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