Deutsch: Ewige Jungfrau / Español: Chica eterna / Português: Menina eterna / Français: Fille éternelle / Italiano: Ragazza eterna /

Puella aeterna refers to a woman who may have difficulty accepting the responsibilities of adulthood and is likely to be still attached to her father.

In psychology, "Puella aeterna" (Latin for "eternal girl") refers to a concept introduced by Carl Jung to describe a certain type of woman who, in Jung's view, is resistant to growing up and taking on adult responsibilities. The concept is closely related to the idea of the "Peter Pan syndrome" in popular culture, which describes a person, typically a man, who is reluctant to grow up and face the challenges and responsibilities of adult life.

According to Jung, the puella aeterna is a woman who remains attached to the idealized image of childhood and adolescence, and who struggles to develop a mature sense of identity and purpose. This can manifest in various ways, such as a resistance to settling down into a stable job or relationship, a fear of commitment, or an obsession with beauty, youth, and glamour.

Examples of puella aeterna in popular culture include characters like Holly Golightly in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and Daisy Buchanan in "The Great Gatsby", as well as real-life figures like Marilyn Monroe.

It is important to note that the concept of puella aeterna has been criticized for its gendered focus and potential to pathologize women who may have legitimate reasons for resisting traditional social norms and expectations.